Friday, December 13, 2013

Happy Friday the 13th

Woo hoo, it's Friday. If you are new to Swan of Dreamers, let me share that I consider Friday the 13th a lucky day! 

You should too.  Here are 3 simple rules to increase your luck. 

1) Believe that you are lucky. If you always moan about being unlucky, Banish that from your mind.  Say to yourself "I am lucky." "Good Fortune always smiles down on me." and my personal favorite: "I am favorite child of Good Fortune."

2) What are your favorite colors. Red? Blue? Yellow? Purple? Whatever it is, wear them on a day you want to feel lucky.

3) Imagine being Lucky. Imagine fun lucky things happening to you every day. For example, getting your favorite parking spot, winning money from a scratch off, people sending you checks in the mail for no reason, winning a trip or being given gift certificates to your favorite store.

Now, go out there and make it a great and lucky day for yourself. If you have any tips how to feel more lucky, share in the comment section. I love to learn new ones.


 PS. I'm a proud affiliate of Leonie Dawson's Amazing Biz and Life Academy. Her 2014 Life and Biz workbooks are available now.  They are a wonderful resource for inspiration and action to manifest your dreams.


Dena Miller said...

Shell You are Awesome!!!! Love how you inspire People with your loving wisdom♥

Jennifer Michelle said...

Love your lucky tips! You are such a kind spirit :)

Judy Hartman said...

I love your positive attitude, Shell! I do believe luck will come to us if we look for it!

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

Friday the 13 has always been a blessing for me. You Rock Woman! Hey you are on the same frequency as me Shell!!! I have been thinking about an Alphabet book for the longest! I want to do one about the Gullah Geechee Culture and another on Music around the world. It's been a very busy year and this new year coming promises to be busy as well, but I have promised myself that I am going to do a few projects on my own. I can't wait! Sending you hugs.

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