Sunday, November 3, 2013

New Moon and Lakshmi

Happy Sunday, my friends.

It's a busy spiritual Sunday. This is the new moon in Scorpio. Also a solar eclipse, and the Hindu festival of Light called Diwali. In the last couple of years, I've only become aware of this festival. You can click on the link to know more about it.

It honors one of the most lovely Hindu Goddesses, Lakshmi. She is a Goddess of wealth, beauty, grace and good fortune. I was taught her special day is Sunday and her colors are gold, pink, red and orange. With all these beautiful energies around today, lighting a candle, making a new moon wish or saying a prayer to whatever your faith is would be a wonderful act to do today for your spirit.



Ivy and Elephants said...

She is beautiful.Thanks for the inspiration to put positive energy out there into the cosmos, you get what you give :)
Big hugs,

Jennifer Michelle said...

I adore Lakshmi. My good friend Charlie keeps an altar specifically dedicated to her and it is beautiful.

Dena Miller said...

Another Beautiful Goddess...
Blessings to you today and always♥

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