Saturday, June 8, 2013

New Moon in Gemini

Today is a New Moon. I love New Moons,
reminds me to pause and reflect. Think
about ideas and goals I like to manifest

This New Moon is in the air sign of Gemini.
All that air energy of ideas and communication
swirling around.

Right now, I'm taking time to watch the clouds
and dream, with my new Yummy Vanilla Candle
glowing in the room.

You won't be able to see the Moon now. In
three days time, she will show herself
in what's is call Diana's Bow. A sliver
of the moon lit in the sky.

Wishing you all a wonderful New Moon
and weekend.


1 comment:

Tracy said...

I LOVE new moon times best, I think--so rich with possibilities! And a good time for planting things in the garden too--we're reviving our veggie patch this month. This should be a good week for planting leafy greens and sprouts! Happy Days, Shell ((HUGS))

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