Thursday, April 25, 2013

Dive into The Full Moon

Happy Full Moon, my friends.

This beautiful April Moon is swimming in
the deep waters of Scorpio.

All my sun and moon sign Scorpio babies
this is your Full Moon. It is also a
lunar eclipse. I'm not an astrologer,
I do know eclipses always comes with
an added extra punch. Energies are

Scorpio is a water sign. Scorpio energy to me
is like diving in the Ocean waters and going
into the deepest part where few humans have gone.

What lies in the remote Ocean floor of your soul?
What is locked away in the deepness of your heart?
What secrets or obsessions have your buried?

As my mom says, "Always be honest
with yourself"

On this Full moon, feel your feelings. Uncover
the things you hide from yourself. Let them out.
Let them free. So you can feel more free and flow.
Flow like the Ocean. Be more powerful and authentic
in your life.

Wishing you all a freedom feeling Full Moon.


Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Earth Day

Happy Monday, my friends.

It's Earth Day!

A reminder to love this beautiful planet we all live on.

This is what Earth Day means to me.

* Plants and Flowers are alive. They my not talk in a spoken
language, they do communicate.

* Green and wild places need to be protected, they give people
peace and tranquility especially in cities.

* The way we treat the Earth echoes on how we treat our own bodies.

* Nature heals us, we in turn should do our part to heal her in places
she has been hurt.

There are so many ways to show love to Mama Earth. Find the way that
is comfortable for you.

Happy Earth Day

P.S. I do love to hug Trees.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Dream Thought #50: Light of your soul

Like everyone else, the bombings in Boston has been on my mind.
It hurts my heart when innocent people die or get wounded by the
violent actions of others.

When I read this in my Goddess for Every Day book by Julie Loar,
It summed up how I feel.

"May the light of your soul sustain you in your darkest hour
and beyond" - Babylonian Goddess Esharra.


Monday, April 15, 2013


Happy Monday, my friends. I've missed blogging. The time away
gave me a much needed perspective for my blog and myself.

Have you been enjoying the early signs of spring? Near my
home, I see the dandelions and these beautiful pale white
flowers that come every May beginning to sprout. (I have
to find out what those flowers are.) As I see them, makes
me smile.

I'm embracing the fresh and renewing energy of Spring. I
hope you are too.

See you all right back here on Wednesday.

P.S. Now that google reader will be history, I started using
Bloglovin' to read all my blogs. You can also
Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Happy Birthday David

  "Having all that - the fame and adulation and the women and all that stuff they talk about - doesn't make you happy. You have to ...