Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

I'm excited to celebrate my first Mother's Day.
Will be going to lunch with my mom and Jacob.

I'm sharing some Jacob love with all
of you. My little boy is now seven months old.
The first pic is from last month and the second
picture a week ago.

Sending love to all the mothers out there.
Happy Mother's Day!!!



Victoria said...

Oh my..what a charmer..beautiful sweet sweet soul!! Congrats on your very first Mother's day...many hugs and blessings of motherhood to you!

Judy Hartman said...

Oh, Shell, that little guy is what mothers day is all about!! I would love to pick him up - so precious!!!
Hope you have enjoyed your first of many Mothers Days!!
Lots of love to you!

Sweetina said...

Happy Mother's Day Shell! Your precious Boy is gets more handsome every time you post a photo! He is so dreamy!!
I cannot believe Jacob is seven months already...time flies. I am sure you are relishing every moment of Motherhood. Even though it can be is such a Blessing!
big Hugs Tina

Tracy said...

How sweet... and how cute your Jacob grows, Shell! I love that last photo--just kickin' back and relaxing. ;o) So exciting for you, your first Mom's Day. Glad you had a lovely day with your family. Mother's Day is a tough one for me as I'm not a mom, but would like to have been. I'll be traveling to visit my own my soon, though, so that I look forward to. Happy Days ((HUGS))

Tracy said...

Me, again, Shell! Just dropping by to thank you soooo very much for your caring, kind & uplifting comment at my place. The door will probably never be 100% closed... I keep it open, just in case. ;o) ((HUGS))

koralee said...

What a sweetpea he is!!!! The first Mother's day is so special. xoxox

Bohemian said...

I just know your 1st Mother's Day must have been wonderful with your precious little one!

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

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