Saturday, July 30, 2011

New Moon in Leo

Happy New Moon, my friends. New Moons are a great time
to make new plans for the upcoming month and wishes.
Who doesn't love making wishes?

This New Moon is in the sign of Leo.
Be like a Lion: regal, strong and powerful.
Unleash your inner Queen or King in your own life.
Leo energy is success, fame and
shining bright.

It's your time to step in the spotlight!
If you shun the spotlight for some reason,
take your rightful place. Allow yourself
to bask in recognition and success. It
is yours and you deserve it.

For all my Leo Sun and Moon sign
babies, this is your time to extra shine
in beautiful sunshiny energy.

Enjoy this Leo New Moon and your



Flor Larios Art said...

Great post! Love the positive energy!

Her Speak said...

Got BIG plans for this moon. ROAR! Thanks for sharing, Shell!

Kathryn Costa said...

oooh I am a Leo and I do feel particularly shiny. I love your posts with all of these great astrological details. Since my birthday was just last week I have been thinking a lot about wishes. The full moon is right around the corner...time to get ready for a new dream board. Roar!

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