Monday, July 4, 2011

Dream Thought # 37 :Independence

"Living your life as a dreamer and not as an "expector" is
a personal declaration of independence. You're able to pursue
happiness more directly when you don't get caught up in the
delivery details.
Dreaming, not expecting, allows Spirit to
step in and surprise you with connection, completion, consummation,
celebration. You dream. Show up for work. Then let Spirit
deliver your dream to the world."
- Sarah Ban Breathnach
Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy



Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

Hey Shell! Such a inspirational writting! It's wonderful and I will keep it in mind this week. Hope that you had a wonderful weekend and now, Have a wonderful and creative week girly! Best to you.

Deborah said...

Hey Shell, thank you for stopping by and leaving kind words about my desk. I wish it were easier to pursue dreams but I am certainly going to try.

Carousel Dreams said...

Beautiful, inspiring words Shell...I just read your last post too and had a little smile that your man was pleased with all the tea party attention:) Thankyou so much for stopping by and leaving a lovely note at my's so lovely to meet new friends x

Tracy said...

Happy Red, White & Blue Day, belated, Shell! (It's been an incredibly week, so I'm behind on visits...) Sarah Ban Breathnach always inspires. :o) Happy Days, Happy Dreaming ((HUGS))

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