Monday, March 28, 2011

Celebrate your Beauty

Happy Monday, everyone.
Every morning, I pull a Tarot
and Goddess card. I felt inspired
to share the Goddess card for Monday.
Aprhodite from Doreen Virtue's
Goddess Oracle Cards.

There is a Goddess in every woman. Today be
a Love Goddess for yourself.

Put on something that makes you feel Beautiful,
Radiant and Strong.

Look in the mirror say "I'm a Beautiful Woman."

Go to the Ocean today and let yourself be guided to
find something there that calls to you.
(Aphrodite is also an Ocean Goddess.)

Find five things you really love about your body.
I'll start off: I love my eyes, legs, breasts,
hair and hands.

If you are trying to catch the attention of a potential
partner, don't pursue them. Imagine you are Aphrodite.
Aphrodite doesn't chase anyone. She allows they to chase

Wishing you all a Beauty filled Monday.



Her Speak said...

I was feeling Aphrodite today too--put on some sea-foam green eyeshadow on under the cat eyes today. :)

Much Joy!~*

Tracy said...

I'm channeling Aphrodite today... and as I write it's Tuesday. For two hours each Tuesday afternoon I take two hour for me--to do some yoga, make my favorite tea then write, play with my art journal--whatever takes my fancy. This has transformed my weeks, just this little bit of time. So I should maybe call it my Aphrodite time. ;o) Happy Week, Shell ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

Hi Shell,
I needed this post today. I am feeling very un~goddess like lately. I didn't know Aphrodite was and ocean goddess. I think I need to find out more about her.
Hope you are having a wonderful week.

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