Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New Moon in Aquarius

This week is packed with big celebrations.

Let me wish Happy Imbolc and Candlemas to all.
(Depending on which one you celebrate)
Tomorrow is the Chinese New Year of the Rabbit.
Word on the street is the Groundhog didn't see his shadow.
Early Spring is on the way. Yipee!

Today is also The New Moon in Aquarius.
Since I'm Aquarius, I take this as my special New

What to do on a New Moon?
You can write yourself a prosperity check.
Clean up a long neglected part of your home.
Make a creative list of things to accomplish this month.
Start a new health or meditation routine for yourself.
Begin a seed fund for a luxurious item you have been craving.

Since Aquarius is the sign of Freedom and Vision.
Make a Freedom list for yourself. Things you
want to do, say or see to make you feel more
free and in flow.

I can't speak for every Aquarian, I know I hate
silly and limiting rules. I feel once in a while,
we need to break out and make our own rules. Be
you own Guru!

Whatever you do for this New Moon, make it fun,
nourishing and happy for yourself.

PS. I know for some people, they couldn't see
the fashion guidelines picture for all the signs that
I posted on Monday. If you want a copy, I am happy
to send it to anyone who wants it.


Victoria said...

Beautiful post Shell...happy new moon..wishing you sparkles and blessings! I feel creative with the new moon..and let my heart fly and sing wherever it wishes!!

Her Speak said...

Happy New Moon, Shell! Wishing you much Joy this month--can't wait to see what you do with all this creative energy!

Much Love,

Tracy said...

Happy New Moon, Shell! Blessings for a new month full of possibilities! I love the idea of new moon rituals. Very much enjoyed the comment you left at my place for Imbolc. :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))

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