Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dream Thought #32 :Mistakes

"[Montgomery Clift talking about his arrival in Hollywood]
I told them I wanted to choose my scripts and my directors myself.
"But sweetheart," they said, "you`re going to make a lot of mistakes."
And I told them, "You don`t understand; I want to be free to do so."

Be like Monty, revel in making your mistakes. I have made a doozy
of mistakes this year. What I have learned from them all has been

Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

Hi Shell,
That's the important thing, being able to learn from my mistakes. I don't always.
I think sometimes I'm a repeat offender.
Hope your day is wonderful ~

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Girlfriend I have made a bunch of mistakes too. Thank goodness I'm awake enough to finally learn from them.
xx, shell

koralee said...

Mistakes are for us to make...we learn from them...and they help us to grow. Wise words my friend. xoox

♥ Cara Mia ♥ said...

i've found out recently that sometimes the things you think are mistakes are actually paving the road to something greater. :)

Judy Hartman said...

I agree - mistakes are opportunities to learn something, but it's not always easy to see this!!

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

NOW This, This is powerful and a mouthful. If we don't learn from our mistakes we will never ever grow and if you are not growing.... well then.... you might want to call the undertaker cause your dead! These are wonderful words to live by. Thanks so much for your friendship and support over this year. I so appreciate it. I am wishing you the very best for a wonderful holiday season.

Wendy said...

Mistakes are the glue of life, uncomfortable, often embarrassing but gives us the chance to extend ourselves in ways that wouldn't be possible otherwise. And it takes a lot of courage and wisdom to know when you've made a mistake and then choose how to respond. Monty would be proud of you!

Laurel said...

Awe- Shell- Love you to pieces for your honesty and of course your devotion to our Monty:)
I have made some whoppers as well and now watch My kids make their own...every big mistake I ever made ended up teaching me a lesson about love that I would not have had otherwise.
Happy Weekend my friend.

Anonymous said...

А! Das ist wirklich mein Problem gelöst, danke!

Happy Birthday David

  "Having all that - the fame and adulation and the women and all that stuff they talk about - doesn't make you happy. You have to ...