Friday, October 22, 2010

Hunter Moon

Ah, yeah it's a Full Moon Friday.

What better day to me than to celebrate the Full Moon. I like
the name of Hunter Moon. There are so many names to choose from
such as Halloween Moon, Moon of The Third Harvest, or you can make
up your own name for the Moon.

What makes this Full Moon unique to me is that it flows into two signs
Aries then Taurus in the space of one night.

I say you can choose Aries or Taurus energy to celebrate tonight.
Or, heck do both!

For Aries, if you have been like me being challenged a lot in the
past few weeks and have come up stronger. Then celebrate the
warrior part of you. Put on music that celebrates your strength,
energy and vitality. Wear Red or Orange tonight. Make a vow to
push yourself out of your comfort zone even more than before.

For Taurus, make plans to pamper, soothe and fortify yourself.
Wear Green or Brown. Use your hands to bake, shape and create
something beautiful or delicious. Do a meditation to ground
yourself and call back pieces of yourself that may have been
scattered around in your week.

Whatever aspect of The Full Moon you wish to celebrate, just
have fun and honor the creativity of you always. Remember the
energy of the Full Moon last for three days. The day before,
the day of and the next night.

Wishing you all a Magical Full Moon night.



Sarah said...

I have a photo of the moon taken tonight on my blog! It looked so beautiful. Today was almost too much to cope with and yet I made it through! So definitely the aries part! I knew you would have good moon advice tonight Shell. Have a lovely weekend!

Victoria said...

Hey Shell...Yay..beautiful post..Moon the energy and beauty and magic it all embodies! thanks for your sparkles and inspiration always!

Wendy said...

I love that you are into the stars and how we move with them. And the full moon is incredibly magickal this month. Stop by for some tea and company today if you'd like. We'll talk about Eartha (one of my fave. actress') Monty and James, and of course, The Lady Blue! And most importantly our kitties! Thank you for all the wonderful info. I think I need the help of both Aries and Taurus.

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging