Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is here
For all of you to show I care
I am doing something special for this magical night
A small Halloween rhyme that I hope won't be a fright!

It is a time when the veil is thin
Where The Phantom of the Opera can take you on a dance with him
Don't be alarmed by all the ghoulies and beasties
It may be your neighborhood kids getting their candy treaties
If you run into real Vamps and Werewolves who are out to be scary
Calmly walk by, leave them to their frightful merry.

Halloween is also a night to remember
All those who have passed on that still live in our hearts forever
Cook or bake their most favorite food
Or write a letter to your loved ones,too
Tell your favorite tales of them or stories
Which the next generation can carry on as family glory.


Take your pick on what you wish to do
Have fun, be safe and Happy Halloween to you!
As an extra special gift on this favorite night
If you like a tarot card reading by me, I'll pick one person
to your delight.



Anonymous said...

Hi Shell!
Happy Halloween to you to ~ this was so cute! I love the cat graphic at the top of this post!
A tarot card reading? ~ Oh, Oh!! Pick me! pick me!!

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

Oh I love all these fantastic graphics. Your new header is just beautiful. You look lovely. Happiest week to you!!

Tracy said...

Hope you had a blessed Halloween, Shell. I go for the more ancient and "positive" aspects of the holiday, not so much the spooks. ;o) Thanks so much for your lovely comment at my place...I do appreciate it. Happy Days ((HUGS))

Operaton You said...

Happy Halloween my friend! Cool poem that reflect the fun of Halloween.

Thinking of you Shell. I know you are shining and that your breakthrough is sitting in your throat. It has always been there, but now you are ready to accept it, come what may! I stand in this light with you my friend happy that you are the divine expression of Good - God!

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