Friday, July 16, 2010

The Simple Things

Happy Birthday, Christina!
The lovely and talented
Christina is celebrating her birthday
and the Simple Things in life.

Go on over and send her Birthday Love. Join in the fun
on your blog with listing The Simple Things.
Big shout out to Se'Lah, too.

These are my Simple Things:

Baking cookies for people I love.

Watching clouds sail by in my favorite chair.

A day with no agenda.

Mabel curling up next to me to sleep.

Holding hands with my Anakin.

Taking a walk to my favorite trees.



Sarah said...

All great-especially a day with no agenda!

Cindy said...

Beautiful, have a fab day.

SE'LAH... said...

baking cookies for loved ones, the sweetest.
give thanks for all the blog love.

love your balloons. one love.

Caroline said...

Oh my...I could go for some home made cookies right now :)

Wonderful list Shell! xoxo

Vijay said...

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christina said...

yep, that is me... kissing that sweet pink balloon! i love it!
did you say cookies?? yep!
thank you, my friend.

Elisa Day said...

I have told you before, I love your blog. Your post always makes me see the things in a different light. Hugs

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

I love the day with no agenda. That's a keeper. Lovely sentiment. Hope you're having a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Yes yes yes, you are RIGHT... as usual!! Love your blog!

Thanx for nice comments on my blog!!

Agneta, the swed... ;)

kath said...

cookies, naps and no agenda ... simple indeed.

Tracy said...

Ooo... a day with no agenda--perfect! Hubby & I just had two of those this weekend, taking a little trip--it was WONDERFUL... sun, sea, sky and fun...*sigh*... Cooking comes in a very close second though. ;o) Wonderful festivities for Christina... I was sorry to miss the party. LOVE your new banner here, Shell--it is so sweet! Sorry not to have been by in a while. Both my hubby & I were quite ill recently, and I'm soon closing my shop as you know--so a lot on. Many thanks for you very kind comment at my place--much appreciated! Happy Summer Days :o) ((HUGS))

Keith said...

Great post. I really like your blog header. Hope you had a wonderful weekend.

Ajijaak said...

I love it -- taking a walk to my favorite trees! YAH! :D

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