Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My Lil' Red Boat

This is one of my favorite videos.
It is beautiful and the message.
vibes with me right now.

Lil' Red Boat by Angel Grant.



GlorV1 said...

Very nice video. Very soothing and hope it helped you too. Have a great rest of the week.

Cindy said...

I loved this, I had never seen it before Shell. thank you. hope you are well. take care, until next time.

Laurel said...

OOh! I love this! So cool and I also have never seen this. Just wonderful. Hope you are well my friend. Oh I wish I could spend some time in NYC this summer. I would love to meet you for a lemonade and soak in my favorite place on earth. Or in a red boat :)

Tristan Robin said...

very refreshing and fun

thanks for visiting me yesterday!

Keith said...

Nice video. Thanks for sharing that with us.

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

What a fabulous video. Thanks so much for sharing this and now I have to go to Itunes and get it. he he he he. How are you?? So good to hear from you and hope that you are well. Take care

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