Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Midsummer Night

Tonight and tomorrow...the veil thins...
Faeries dance and sing..
The Sun glows and shines the brightest
at this time..
Enchantment seeps into our everyday world
wherever you are
don't search for the magic
it's right where you are...
Make a wish
Say a prayer
Pick daisies, chamomile and other sweet wildflowers
wear them in your hair...
Light yellow and orange candles
Drink lemonade alone
or spiked with some rum...
Celebrate the sunshine in
your own life in the form
of what makes your heart sing...
Do that more this summer...



Cindy said...

I am going to do more of that, your whole list this summer. thanks, be well .

Judy Hartman said...

What a beautiful summer wish, Shell! Magic time!

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

I'm with Cinner, I 'm going to do more of this as well! what a wonderful post. Timeless words for the summer. Have great weekend.

17th Blogversary

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