Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Summer Solstice

Happy Summer Solstice. It's the first day of Summer!

Are you ready for summer? I am!!

Summer is a great time to get outside and
enjoy your life.

Have summer dreams or goals you want to
accomplish? Remember easy does it.
Be easy with yourself
and your life with Summer.

Here are my Summer dreams:

Use more natural products for
my hair.
Do my belly dancing DVD three times
a week.
Have fun this summer.

Yep, that's it. My motto this season:
Keep it simple in Summer.

Have a great Monday everyone.



Caroline said...

Oh yes! Keep it easy...I love this! Dancing is good too. Happy summer to you ;) xoxo

Sarah said...

Yes-keeping things simple seems a good thing. I want to do some sorting this summer, inbetween making things and visiting places I have not been before, as well as ones I love.

GlorV1 said...

I always take it easy in Summer. Dancing is fun. I usually do my treadmill for half an hour or go to Curves for 40 min. or so. I'm going to start going very early to get out of the heat. Happy Summer to you Shell, enjoy.

christina said...

happy summer!
yes, easy going, all summer long.

Anonymous said...

A wonderful summer to you as well.
How strange, right as I was typing this comment to you, I heard my daughter say, 'I want my swan!' (she has a toy swan)



VintageSage said...

What a wonderful picture!! I am so ready for don't even know! Lol! Sounds like you have a fun list started. Happy Summer Solstice!


Cindy said...

It aounds great, I am keeping it simple too. Straightening house and yard and then the rest is for me. yeah. take care.

Javajune said...

Love, love summer, can't get enough of it! Your summer motto sounds perfect, nice and easy!
Enjoy your summer soltice!

Don said...

The weather is so demanding that I am not sure if I really were prepared for summer. Still, I look forward to attending the few events planned.

BunnyKissd said...

Gorgeous image!

I love your summer goals; I should get out my belly dance DVD too! ^-^

My summer goals would have to be to have as much fun as possible while still getting all the bills paid! LOL!

Elaine said...

Amen to that! I think you have the right idea about Summer.

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