Saturday, March 13, 2010

Me and Unicorns

My love of Unicorns go way back,
they are one of my favorite fantasy

I use to imagine what if they are
real? Hoping one day, I get a
glimpse of them. (I still do.)

About a week ago, I got inspired
to start using my Unicorn Oracle
deck by Doreen Virtue in my
repertoire for readings. I know
it will be a hit in readings.

So I picked a card to share
with all of you.

For the weekend and going into
the New Moon on Monday, Love is
the answer to whatever question,
problem or choice you have to

Is it that simple? Sometimes it
is, we just make it harder.

Have a fabulous weekend, everyone.



Her Speak said...

Beautiful card! You can feel love streaming from it. :)

Much Joy and Happy Cleansing!~*

Clarity said...

Card or no card. Wise words.

Anonymous said...

Many moons ago when I was in college my dorm wall was covered with unicorn posters and I had many unicorn knickknacks. I think I drove my roommates nuts.
Still love them ~ I wish I still had some of my treasures.
I like Doreen Virtue ~ her decks are so pretty.
Hoping you are having a wonderful weekend.

Tristan Robin said...

Lovely card - and, yes, indeed, love heals and fixes a whole buncha stuff!

Do you have any pull with Shemar? Tell him to shave off that awful beard he's grown - he looks ordinary now!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Love always does seem to be the perfect answer. :)

Javajune said...

Love this, so often we make things much more complicated than they need to be. Love is the answer!

Tracy said...

Oh, I love that! And I always believe that love is the answer--to most anything! Gorgeous card, Shell... that deck must be beautiful. I have to tell my sister about that, she does the cards too. :o) Happy Week ((HUGS))

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

This is a beautiful sentiment. One of my favorite scriptures is in I Corinthians, chapter 13 or as it is known, the "Love" Chapter. How befitting that God the Father, the Origin of True love has given us all a description of the very Essence of Who He is:

"Charity (Love) suffereth long, and is kind; charity (love) envieth not; charity (love) vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; beareth all things, believeth all things, endureth all things. Charity (love) never faileth..."

Have a wonderful evening, my dear.

Anonymous said...

I believe in unicorns and want to see one someday. So far, I have only had a powerful dream of a unicorn. I know they are near. Let me know if you ever see one!

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging