Monday, November 16, 2009

The Simple Things

Happy Monday. I'm celebrating The Simple Things today
being hosted by the creative and soulful Christina.

The Simple Things:

Baby Zoey entering the world.

My daily affirmations.

A day of blue sky and clouds.

Holding my mom's hand as we cross the street.

A rainy day where I can walk with my thoughts.

Beauty and peace radiating from my altar.

Memories of Sean to ease my tears.

Feeling alive in unexpected moments.


My book of monologues and poetry.

Love of my closest friends.

Mabel purring next to me.

Montgomery Clift in any movie.



Tristan Robin said...


lovely thoughts

tea time and roses said...

Hello Dear Shell,

I love your simply things, beautiful indeed. Truly I have found that it is the simply things that bring me the most joy. Thanks for this lovely post. You enjoy a beautiful week.



tea time and roses said...

By the way, I love your new look here, very soft...beautiful.


Sherry said...

Such a beautiful list. I love holding your mother's hand as you cross the street, feeling alive at unexpected moments...these are deep, easy and beautiful. And bring such joy.

Yiota said...

I love feeling alive at unexpected momonts, too. I love all simple things that make my life brighter actually.

Cindy said...

Hi Shell, I am new to your blog. I love your list. I so love the picture as well. Take care.

Sarah said...

Your list is beautiful Shell. I really love the one about walking in the rain with your thoughts.

Char said...

what a beautiful list. sweet beauty and calm faith shine through

Jeanne Frances Klaver said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. Your blog is beautiful! I love your Simple Things blog today! Each thought is heart-felt.

iasa said...

you can't go wrong with the love of your friends. Such a heart felt list you have.

BTW - I'm in the mood to watch The Misfits now ;)

DollZandThingZ said...

Your simple things are so lovely. I stopped and thought about Montgomery Clift and what a great talent he was...I cannot help but think how he might have been pleased to be on your list.

Visually Oriented said...

You have a wonderful list

And shouldn't chocolate be on everyone's list? :o)

Elisa Day said...

Love this list! I had a bad monday but your list made it better

Graciel said...

'feeling alive in unexpected moments' simple thing of the day!!

peace to your sweet, sweet soul.


christina said...

"holding my moms hand as we cross the street" ~ deep sigh, for love, my friend.
i am loving your thoughtful list.

GlorV1 said...

I love that you hold your mom's hand as you cross the street. Very nice thoughts Shell. Thanks for sharing that.

gayle said...

Your list is lovely! My mom is no longer alive and I haven't thought about holding her hand in a very long time. Thank you for bringing that memory to my mind!

Cora said...

"Holding my Mom's hand as we cross the street" this captured my heart strings! Oh yeah....
Great list of simple things. Thanks for sharing!

Caroline said...

Such wonderful things Shell...holding your Mom's hand while crossing the street :). Love that!

Anonymous said...

such beautiful words...thank you for sharing.

Samosas for One said...

Something peaceful underlying your list. Beautiful image as well. Did you draw that?

Laurel said...

Been thinking about you a lot. Having survived a loss and finding a second chance to love is going to happen for you as it has for me. The good news - you will still have memories of Sean to make you smile. And wipe the tears away.They won't leave you. I used to worry that I'd forget. I didn't . You won't either. I love your message today. Need to take a simple inventory for my own self.
Love to you Sweet Shell.

Memories Of Mine said...

Hi, thank you for stopping by my blog. You list is lovely so many simple things to appreciate.

Beneath the Eaves said...

Beautiful list. The struggle to find peace with a loss-touches my heart. To hold your Mother's hand brings me joy. Simple things to move us all.

Marion Williams-Bennett said...

what a lovely list - espeically holding your Mom's hand - what a comforting feeling!

Marilyn Miller said...

A very personal, special list. Holding your moms hand crossing the street is very special.

Se'lah said...

such a wonderful list Shell.

daily affirmations are a must. ;)

Her Speak said...

Reading your list just sent a wave of comfort. :) It's so good to visit you friend!

Much Joy, Many Blissings~*

Mari Mansourian said...

great list, finally got around to checking yours out :)

Laura in Paris said...

Lovely post! Shell, I love your simple things.

Jakki said...

Feeling alive at unexpected moments...Y.E.S!

stay blessed, Lady...

Javajune said...

Those are all very beautiful thoughts. Simple but lovely.
We must be thinking alike, I did a simple post on tuesday.

Tracy said...

Such sweets, Shell...*sigh*...Delighting in sharing the celebration of the simple but wonderful with you! :o) Happy Weekend ((HUGS)) Oh, and the new look here is lovely...

A Whimsical Girl Named Debbie said...

Such a sweet list - love it! The simple things in life are often the best things in life. Have a whimsical weekend, darling!

Relyn Lawson said...

I do love your list. You make me smile.

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