Friday, November 13, 2009

The Icon and The Hunk

I woke up and did my daily go to IMDB to look at birthdays.
Here is two of my faves: Whoopi Goldberg and Gerard
Butler celebrating 54 and 40 respectively.

When I was a teen in the 80's, Whoopi was the biggest
influence on me in my dreams as an actor. She lit the
candle of doing my one woman show. (Which I swear I
will do one day.) Whoopi with her natural hair, raspy
new york voice, unique name and her electric talent
couldn't be denied. She took roles she liked;
when the powers that be tried to put her in a box,
she let people know with a vengenace she wouldn't be
boxed in because of her race and her look! Always
original and unique. Happy Birthday, Whoopi.
At 54, you are still making waves. I hope to
one day join you in the exclusive club of African
American Oscar Winners. I also want to
see you back on the big screen, too.

I love gerry

I can go on and on about Gerard Butler. I'll try
to keep this short.I went to see "300" and came
out enchanted with Gerard. I had to know more about
him. I did. It is three years later, I'm still quite
devoted to him. There is something about him which
draws me in whenever I see him on the screen and
on talk shows. Beyond his looks,he seems down to
earth. If I went up to say hello and he had time,
we sit and talk about life and acting. That's makes
me love him even more. We also share being born
in the same year, too!

Happy Birthday Whoopi and Gerry. Many more birthdays to come.



Tristan Robin said...

Whoopi's Mary Poppins skit was the best part of the Tony Awards that year - she is just marvelous.

So you like Gerard for more than his looks.

*my best skeptical, but amused, look with arched eyebrows*


but, why is more NEEDED?


Kalei's Best Friend said...

I've always loved Whoopi... I am naturally drawn to people who speak their minds- intelligently of course!. lol... her sense of humor and sensitivity...

Anonymous said...

Whoopie is one of the classiest ladies I have ever seen.... She is talented & ultra smart!!
When I watch her on The View I am amazed at her knowledge & how she can keep a coral around those others just to keep order.
Happy Birthday Whoopie!!

Laurel said...

Awe! I LOVE Whoppi= I watched her celebration on the view today. She is a great lady and I love her honest nature. She's the coolest.
I also have NO doubt you will doing a one woman show as well as accepting a Tony, an Oscar and who know's what else! I will be here cheering you on.
Love to you Sweet Shell.

Sarah said...

Whoopi Goldberg is indeed great! Funnily enough, Gerard Butler was on the Jonathin Ross show tonight and he did seem very nice. Have a great weekend!

Hilary said...

I first seen Gerard in P.S. I Love You. I was automatically enchanted and taken in by him. Such a gorgeous man.

Rose - Watching Waves said...

I'm probably not very familiar with Whoopi's work (I don't watch movies as much as I'd like to), but I absolutely admire that wonderful woman's honesty and embrace of her authentic self. That SO rocks!
Good luck to you on your one-woman show, scheduled for some time in your future. :-D

Genie Sea said...

Whoopi is a powerhouse! And Gerard is yummy in every single way. :) Happy birthday to them both :)

Keith said...

I like both of them. Hope you've been enjoying the weekend. Take care. Cheers!

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

They are both great personalities. Whoopi is an amazing talent.

Now on to Gerry...well, what can I say? He could sit in a chair on screen for two hours and I'd pay to see him just sit there. Am I crazy, probably, but I'm sure I'm in good company! Ha!

Have a great rest of the weekend, dear.

Nadya said...

What fun bits & pieces - Whoopie is indeed such a delight to see in anything she does! I don't know Gerard's work - but this was fun!
Happy BD indeed

christina said...

I want to come to that one woman show, when you decide to do it!

Deborah said...

Wasn't Gerard Butler in Phantom of the Opera too Shell? I adore that movie. Beautiful story and music. I love Whoopi too. She is always true to who she is and she doesn't mince words.

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