Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jimi

Jimi Hendrix found me when I needed help the most.
I was opening up as an actor and beginning
to realize that my father and I would never be close.
He had walls so thick that not even a daughter's love
could melt them.

It hurt. Deeply. In ways that would take me years to
express.(If you have a distant parent in your life,
well, you can understand.) Jimi became for me a
surrogate father. Jimi's music reaffirmed to me what
a father would have said to me. You are great exactly
as you are. Be you. Express all of you. Don't be
afraid. Never let anyone put you in a box.

I wish I could have met him in person, to tell him
how much he helped me. Jimi passed away at 27 when
I was just a baby.

Thank you for the music, Jimi. Thank you for being
my wild, freedom loving, creative, rock-n-roll father.



Cindy said...

This post is beautiful, I am glad you have some of his wild loving ways. It is sad that people put up walls that we can not break down, I have had people like that in my life too. My Jimi live long in your heart!
Be well!

Tristan Robin said...

It's good that Jimi was there for you when you needed him.

I was never a huge fan of his music - but, I think more highly of him knowing his music helped somebody through a rough period of years.

christina said...

I love Jimi Hendrix. He is a wonderful part of music history.

Sean Graham said...

Happy Birthday Jimmy!

Maithri said...

He was a legend...

Your passion always moves me sister, thank you for your tender presence in this world,

Love, M

Genie Sea said...

Hugs Shell! :) You are Jimi's soul child! :) Jimi's music has always touched me to the very core.

Elizabeth said...

Thanks for this beautiful post Shell. Never realized we have so much in common. Can't tell you how moved I am right this moment.

Have a fantastic weekend.

Rose - Watching Waves said...

Such a beautiful thought, imagining someone who so inspires you as a father figure for you. Sometimes we have to choose our "family." Happy birthday, Jimi.

Laurel said...

Wow-this is lovely and insightful and pulls at my heart. I have a wonderful Dad but a very distant one. I spent 6 days with him over last week and not more than 5 sentances were exchanged. Not because I didn't try. It is hard but I try to stay in acceptance mode although it stings. I think I am very avaiable to people as a rsult though so not everything is lost. Love to you Shell.
Of course Jimi is a God. Happy Birthday!

Clarity said...

Dear Shell,

Jimi is one my favourite musicians and I am touched that you like him even more so, for a special reason.

I hope that the love you deserve comes to you and more. As for your father, he has lost more than you in not being there for a kind and loving daughter. Perhaps one day you can write him a letter and his eyes may be opened. Love and hugs, Peace, x.

Keith said...

Hey there. I'm back from my blogging vacation. I hope you had a great week and weekend. I enjoyed myself this Thanksgiving holiday. I did miss your blog. Take care. Have a fantastic week ahead. Cheers!

Her Speak said...

The Wind Cries Mary is probably one of my favorite songs of all time. I like to listen to it when it's raining. :)

Much Joy, Many Blissings~*

Tracy said...

Oh, Jimi... that man...*SWOON*... I've always been a huge fan, and you are right in how his music speaks so deep for us to live our courage. Don't be
afraid--so true. I was so sorry to hear about how things were with your father. My own father is very emotionally distant. We are such hugely different people. We get along, but there is a big gap that is hard to bridge. Thank you for sharing of your experience and hitting those tender spots, Shell... ((HUGS))

get zapped said...

Cool post and very heartfelt. Jimi inspired me to write poetry. I too wish I could have met him. Peace Jimi.


 I have to pinch myself. I'm now a mom of a teenager! Wow. Every birthday is special with my son and it continues to be so.