"Don't ask yourself what the world needs -
ask yourself what makes you come alive,
and then go do it. Because what the world
needs is people who have come alive."
- Howard Thurman
Today would have been Richard Chamberlain's 91st birthday. He passed just two days ago at 90 on the 29th. Richard Chamberlain was one o...
Great quote! Your new backgound is very pretty.
So true Shell. As a fellow Aquarius, I have often thought I should be doing more for the world. Turns out that my passion seems to help others make their lives special too, just by doing the crazy stuff that I do and write about. It's great to be alive and sharing with other amazing people like you. Thank you, for doing the same. :)
I have this quote in my book of favorites. It's wonderful.
bunny hugs,
Great quote, fab picture, I like looking at Lenny too. or is it ie, I really enjoy visiting, very uplifting. Take care.
Hi Shell! LOVE that quote and your blog is looking beautiful too! ~ xo Joy
What a great quote!! You always have the most wonderful posts, they get me going and get me realizing what I need to focus on. I tend to lose focus and get sidetracked too easily these days but I can count on you to inspire me. Thanks special friend. You are one of those that I just adore and feel a deep love for although we may never meet live. :) That's so cool.
However NYC is my favorite place on the planet so ya never know!
Fabulous quote! What a wonderful message to start my day.
This is so inspirational and true! Thank you.
Love this! People who come alive.
Love the quote, never heard it before. Love the picture, thanks for sharing.
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