Monday, October 12, 2009

Make Me Smile Monday

Happy Monday. Things that make me smile:

1) My floors done in my bedroom and living room.
2) President O. receiving the Nobel Peace Prize.
3) Finishing the book: Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin. This book inspired the President in picking his cabinet.
4) Reading Zora Neale Hurston's autobiography Dust Tracks on a Road.
5) My new boot slippers from Old Navy in pink and read.
6) Finally able to send pictures from my cell to my e-mail.
7) Getting ready for The Halloween blog party on the 17th.
8) My brand new Victoria Magazine waiting for me to read.
9) Discovering Nutella.

What is making you smile today?



Anonymous said...

What makes me smile today??
1. My Hubby home early & tomorrow off!
2. After a trip to Sam's.. a full pantry!
3. Knowing our savings is safe... no, it's not under the matress!
4. Seeing my baby kitties snoozing away all safe & sound!
5. Wonderful Blog friends!

Laurel said...

You make me Smile. I am glad you are in my life.

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Knowing that you are smiling and your heart is happy for this day.
bunny hugs,

Lisa said...

You, Shell!!!! You make me smile. :)

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

What made me smile today?
1. Getting a ride home from work today and not having to catch the bus.
2. Have the opportunity and the money to do my laundry (I know, I know, strange huh?)
3. Having creative ideas for handbags.
5. Visiting your blog, my dear!

Have a great evening.

Tracy said...

It's been a good day so far--and only after noon!
1. Hubby & I both have time off the rest of the week to enjoy together--hooray!
2. A gift in the mail from a blog friend today--treats!
3. Laundry is done, so I have the rest of the afternoon to work and create in my studio--yes!
4. Visting here always makes me smile, Shell! :o)
Happy Week ((HUGS))

Laurie said...

Dear Shell,
What a delightful list ~ I can see your beautiful smile from here:)

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging