Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Autumn Enters

The time of longer nights and pumpkins is upon us. When the walls between the worlds are beginning to grow thin. Sweaters and leaves blaze everywhere in beautiful colors.

This day is of equal light and dark. A balance which happens only twice a year. From this day on, the sunlight is extra special since we will have less of it and the night are to be more magical with the more hours we have. When I was a girl, I always looked forward to the Autumn months. I still do. There is a sense of something special riding in the air for me this Autumn. What will it bring I wonder?

On Sunday, I had the pleasure of participating in my first intuitive fair. Some read Tarot cards (like me), a few read people by just looking into their eyes, others healed with energy from years of studying reiki. For me it was a truly special day. I got to be with a tribe of people like me of all ages, races and gender. I finished the fair beaming with happiness and energy.

For Autumn and especially on this day of balance and harvest, I wish for all of you to find your tribe in areas of your life where you need it most. Happy Autumn.



Elisa Day said...

I also like fall. I love to light alot of candles and dream away. I would have loved to participate in that intuitive fair

Tracy said...

Happy Autumn Days, Shell...let's savor, sip and gather slowly and enjoy! :o)

Tristan Robin said...

Best wishes for a rewarding autumn season!

It's my favorite season of the year.

Laurie said...

I love Autumn, especially October. I think it is my favorite month.
I recently ordered a new set of Tarot cards by Paulina Cassidy ~ they look lovely. Just in time for Autumn!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful post...
Happy Autumn!!

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

Happy Autumn to you as well my sister. I love it! What a great picture too.

Laurel said...

Wow- so so cool! I love this time of change. It is so cozy. We are in midle of a heat wave here in SF Bay but it will fade soon. WOW-tarot cards. That is cool- someday I will meet you and you can read me maybe! I love knowing that we al have so much intuitive power untapped. I am working on uncluttering my foghead. Want to see and experience more.
Love to you today Shell.

GlorV1 said...

Happy autumn to you too as well. I have my candles all ready and actually I have a whole bunch set up in my patio for when The Dia De Los Muertos arrives, I will be set. Take care.

VintageSage said...

Happy Autumn, Shell! Well it was hard to tell it's Autumn here...it was 95 degrees! Lol! Oh how fun, an intuitive fair. I haven't been to but one and I'd love to see more. :) I didn't know you read Tarot. I'm studying the Tarot now...I understand it..but I know there's so much more to it!


Lots of hugs!

Michelle (Vintage Sage)

Heather ~Pretty Petals said...

what a Beauuuutiful picture of fall! It is the best time of year to light some candles and snuggle inside. xo Heather

Kathryn Costa said...

Oooh I too feel the winds of change and something very magical is in the air. How wonderful that you had an opportunity to connect with other intuitive friends.

{soul hugs}

Caroline said...

Beautiful post Shell. I bet the fair was a blast (and exhausting). I have done Reiki in fairs before...and I am tired for days after! Happy autumn!

Javajune said...

Love the crisp energy fall brings and the colors of ripe pumkins and fallen acorns. The intuitive fair sounds fabulous. I'm so glad you were able to participate. Left a message for you on my blog today.

Operaton You said...

Happy Autumn days to you!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Oh how I would love to attended a fair like that! Time well spent!
bunny hugs,

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging