I got to see Harry Potter last night at the Ziegfeld Theater in NYC. I've said this before, it's a wonderful place to watch a movie. It was great being back in the movie theater again. Since my Sean's passing, I haven't gone at all. I enjoyed Harry Potter and it was wonderful to escape to another world.
I'm almost at the halfway mark in my birth year. I am feeling the need to reflect, dream and and listen to where I want to co-pilot my life in these next six months. I'm going to take a few days away. I'll be visiting all of your places, of course.
I do hope you take time to work on your dream today and every day. Remember your dreams are waiting for you to make them live.
It's a good day for dreaming. The sky is dreamy and I feel inspired to write something about my life experiences and hope for the future. Sounds like a good time to whip out my journal. Have a dreamy day.
so glad you did that, shell. have a blessed time stepping back and listening and seeking.
I'm glad that you went. ;)
Stay strong!
I'll probably see it one day. I like to wait for the crowds to die down. I will also continue to dream of things to be. Have a great time out.
Theres something just so radiant about you my friend,
Enjoy your time to dream and reflect,
Love to you,
Enjoy your break, Shell...savor the days. :o)
i love how you celebrate your half year as well. It's a good time to pause and reflect. Enjoy! Thanks for your lovely comments. You're kind words helps me to know I have great support.
Thank you for visiting me, Shell (love your name).
Dreaming is so good for the soul. I dream but rarely remember what they were. I figure I must be too busy living OUT LOUD that my dreams must not be able to catch up with the real thing! :) :)
OH dear one! You need time away to rest and reflect. I know that miss your loved one and I'm so sorry for that. I hope that you will find healing in your time of reflection and rest. We all need that for sure. Hope that all is well you my friend. I wish you grace and peace.
Hugs and kisses
Hi Shell
Missing you since I
moved back to gemmashouse. Hope you'll stop by.
Enjoy your days away.
workin' on the dream every day baby! thanks for dropping by.
zoe is just such a favorite of mine, along with lenny and lisa. i kinda wish they were still together....such a stunning couple!
anyway, hope you have a great weekend. give my love to the city! ♥
I went to see Harry Potter on Thursday myself. I am looking forward to the final movie. Was just reading through your blog and sympathize with you on the loss of your Sean. I lost my grandfather in June and sometimes it is just so hard to face. But you are right.Losing someone just makes you realize that you need to show the others around you more love and appreciation. I am sorry for your loss.
Enjoy your time, my friend.
Blessings on your plans and dreams! Thank you for dropping in for a visit and for your sweet comment on my studio.
I hope you had a great weekend. Take care. Cheers!
You have a lovely blog.
Thank you for visiting my studio post. I appreciate your comment.
Dream on my sister and reflect! Listen to your inner voice - you Being! I'm dreaming to be the best me possible - to be ME - to BE! Sendin love!
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