Saturday, July 18, 2009

More Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre

I know I go on and on about Jane Eyre. I truly love this book. I found this yesterday, I had to share. The Center of the Performing Arts in Beijing, China is staging Jane Eyre. I so love to see this. Here is a video of it.

(pictures from english.

It got me thinking if someone did an all Black version of Jane Eyre. You could change the time period a bit. The essential story remains the same. It could work with the right people involved. I can see it. (Maybe someone has, I just never heard about it.)

"Thank you, Mr. Rochester, for your great kindness. I am strangely glad to get back again to you;and wherever you are is my home -- my only home." Jane to Mr. Rochester on returning to Thornfield Hall.



Lyrically speaking said...

I love your blog, very inspirational...and i'm also one of those dreamers, always imagining that someday someone will produce an 18th century african-american movie similar to Jane Eyre...

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness! that is so cool! your thought about an all Black cast reminded me that as a little girl i had dreams of becoming the first Black "annie"!

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

This is such a lovely post. The inspiration that comes from such a prolific writer is priceless.

Thank you for sharing.

Have a great rest of the weekend.

Kalei's Best Friend said...

Nothin' wrong w/an all Black cast, or any color for that matter. lol
Its a timeless story... I do agree the time period would have to be adjusted as well as if it was played by any other cast.

Sarah said...

Looks good! You could bring your idea to life I am sure of it!

Laurel said...

Hi Sweet Shell- Following your post yesterday I decided to do something differently. I decided to actually answer my phone without knowing who it is. Sounds ridiculously silly but it is something I don't do...ever. So today I did and it was lovely friend who moved away. Yay!
I am going to post about being brave and also about your lovely blog on Monday:) Sorry so long:) You are wonderful.

GlorV1 said...

If I'm not mistaken, last year on broadway, there was an all black cast on Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. I don't see no reason why there couldn't be for Jane Eyre.
Great idea. Have a great Sunday.

meandering pearl said...

im re-reading jane eyre at the minute! so beautiful! have a lovely day!!!

Tracy said...

Jane Eyre is a long time favorite of mine too...I just love the story...and hope so much to see an African-American take on this beloved tale--oh yes! Happy Day, Shell :o)

Laurie said...

Hi Shell,
I am such a Jane Eyre fan as well. I actually keep a copy on my nightstand ~ sometimes all I need is a line or two ~
I agree it is a timeless tale of love ~ an African American cast would be wonderful. Who would you like to see portray Jane and Mr. Rochester. I would love to hear...

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'd definately like to see this! :)

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