Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Living in Jane's World


I finished my spending Spring with Jane goal on Friday with the completion of Mansfield Park. I've read S&S, P&P, Persuasion, Emma and now MP. (I had previously read Northanger Abbey last year.) I enjoyed Mansfield Park because it seemed to have more of the rhythm of Jane Austen that I felt Emma lacked. Fanny is a sweet girl but I wished she had some get up and go. Edmund, her cousin, who is her champion in the book is the first of Austen's leading men I didn't really swoon for. As for the loathsome Mrs. Norris, I shared Sir Thomas' happiness when she finally left Mansfield Park too! My favorite out of all the books is Persuasion. There are the short novels: Lady Susan, The Watsons and Sandition to read. They can wait for Autumn.

I've enjoyed living in Jane's world. Going to balls, having a coze, taking a turn in the room, being breathless as a certain someone walks into the room and hoping the post will bring a long awaited letter. I am glad to be back as a 21sth Century sistah. Now, my Summer is free to read other books. I have Jane Eyre to reread which I'm looking forward to. Besides that, I'm going to dive into whatever book catches my fancy. What are all of you reading this summer? Any book recommendations?

Have you spent time on your dream today?



mademoisellechitchat said...


Although this book was published several years ago, have you read Sugar by Bernice McFadden? If not, go get it! ;)

Sarah said...

You are so right about Fanny! I loved Mrs Norris though-I had forgotten her, a brilliant creation. I wonder if JK Rowling named the cat in her books after her? I am reading 'The Meme Machine' by Susan Blackmore at the moment which was recommended to me by Anairam at Fra-aing. I don't often read information books, being more one for the novel but it is actually fascinating. I also have 'Vita' awaiting me. Added to that I am ploughing through a load of free old Homes and Garden magazines from my local freecycle which I love! Does that count?
THanks for popping by the picnic!

Kalei's Best Friend said...

OMG, right now I am reading A Farther Shore by Matthew Eck.. story of a soldier's life during the war... Dove by Robin Graham... 1st boy to make a trip around the world on a boat., a couple of Mitchard books, Gutterson... whatever is on the best seller or 'personal' (unique) category, I will read it..

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

I haven't been reading much lately, but I hope to get through at least a couple of books this summer. I'm so concentrating on the drawing and finishing my children's book that now that I'm focused, it's hard to pick up something else.

And yes, I spent time on my dream. A lot of that is due to inspirational people like you, Ms. Shell.

Have a wonderful evening.

Anonymous said...

Hello :)

Thank you for your kind words about my drawing of Anne Boleyn :)

Mansfield Park is amazing but its true, Fanny does lack some spunk :( but if I was living under the wrath of Mrs. Norris I think I too would be a bit wilting flower but she gets her Edmund in the end!

I have too many books... I think I shall possibly be crushed to death by them all one day.


kath said...

I have the entire works of Jane sitting on my bedside now. The only one I've read is Emma ... it is a wonderful world to be immersed in ... I came over from vchelle's.

kath said...

I have the entire works of Jane sitting on my bedside now. The only one I've read is Emma ... it is a wonderful world to be immersed in ... I came over from vchelle's.

Clarity said...

I read Mansfield Park in school, the other Austens for pleasure.

A critic once described her as a character of made "milk", i.e. weak. I must admit at that age she did frustrate me, now I see her as gentle, kind and not confrontational. (Spoiler alert)Not sure Edmund deserved her though (look at me talk like they're real).

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging