Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ricardo and Snow

My sweetheart Ricardo Montalban passed yesterday. Goodbye my friend. If you want to read my thoughts on Ricardo go here for his birthday tribute that I wrote. Another light is gone.. That is the way of things. We still have him in all his movies and television shows that he has left for us.

It is snowy day here. I have errands to do, so I must go out. This Winter baby can deal with the snow and the cold. (Up to a point.) Right now it's 15 degrees. I live right by a river which means it feels like 5 degrees. That's a bit to cold for even me;yet, I still love Winter.

I did my word of the year which I have in my blog title: ADVENTURE. I didn't have a theme song for the year. I watched Harold and Maude for the first time. I love this movie. I found my theme song for 2009 from the movie sung by Cat Stevens. Click and listen. I finally figured out how to link a video this way. (Only took me 11 months) We must celebrate the small victories. Now do what the song says, just be who you want to be. It's all up to you.

Stay warm everyone who is in frigid weather. If you are somewhere warm, then enjoy the sun. Sweet dreams to you all.


couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

you know, when i heard the news i remembered your lovely tribute post for him a while ago.
Rest in peace.
Harold and Maude is a great film, that's for sure, i am glad you finally saw it.
Stay warm!

Laurie said...

Dear Shell,
FIrst I hope you are staying warm!
I love the word you chose for the year ~
I have never seen the move Harold and Maude, but I am such a movie snob, I have to admit and really prefer the old black and white movies.
I can't help it ~ whenever I think of Ricardo Montalban I think of "Fantasy Island!"

tea time and roses said...

Hello Shell!

Ricardo Montalban will surely be missed. I think I will remember him most for his wonderful voice and manly mannerly ways.

Sounds like it is cold there in New York!:o) Like you I so enjoy winter. We here in southern California have had a few chilly days and they were just wonderful! Stay warm and enjoy your coming weekend!



Her Speak said...

Ricardo. What a dream. How fortunate we have his beautiful work to remind us of him and inspire others.

Love your theme song! Say Yes!!
I'm going to have to see this movie. :)

Much Joy, Many Blissings~*

Lisa said...

I'm sorry to see him go but am grateful that, as you say, he will always be with us through film.

I fully intend to see you on Law and Order:SVU. I really like that show and think of you every time it comes on.

If you wanna be free, be free.....! :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I heard about Ricardo. I know he was well known for Fantasy Island but I will always remember him from the orginal Star Trek series episode entitled "Space Seed".

He was super young, great looking and a great villian against William Shatner-lol.

Suzie Ridler said...

Oh no! I had no idea that he had passed away. I will always think of him as Kahn. How riveting he was as that character, beautiful crazy villain.

I love your post also on being bold! I do believe in living that way, absolutely.

I'm so glad you enjoyed listening to my interview! I feel the same way, when you read poetry it's like I get to know you better. :)

Beverly said...

One of the things that saddens me as I get older is so many people I grew up, who inspired or touched my life in some way, leave us.

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging