Saturday, November 29, 2008


Finally, I saw Twilight!!! I have read all four books. I loved the first three: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse. Anyway, so I like Bella.. In New Moon, she went through a lot and Jacob was there in a way Edward couldn't be. As much as I adore Edward, I really love Jacob even more.
Back to the movie: Twilight captured the book really well. Most of the characters are as I imagined them to be. The chemistry between Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward (Robert Pattinson) are smoking. Of course, my Jacob (Taylor Lautner) was so cute! I am looking forward to New Moon as a movie. Anyway, I say go if you haven't seen it. If you never read the books, I feel you can still enjoy the movie. I have to admit. I do want to see Twilight a second time on the big screen.

I had a wonderful Thanksgiving with my mom. I've been having some romance issues. Being with mom and watching Twilight today brought me out of my funk. And I want to give a big Thank you and hug to Kathryn for giving me a lovely blog award. Check out her blog. She does beautiful work.

Glad you all enjoyed my birthday tribute to Jimi. I'm going to work on more videos and maybe an audio post as well. Have all these ideas swirling in my Aquarius mind. Anyway, all of you enjoy your weekend. Go see Twilight. You'll love it.


Lady Prism said...

i plan to watch it tomorrow. my 2 boys told me it's great so i'm seeing it:)

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog so I'll check back. It seems they have a franchise coming for this movie

Suzie Ridler said...

I'm so glad we both went! I just wrote about it too. I loved it and will go see it again. I am going to get all of the books now, I just have to, this is my genre. I love being a part of this phenomenon. It is so wonderful to see romance on the big screen again.

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

haven't seen it yet L :-(

maritessb said...

LOVE THE MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I'm an Edward fan but reading New Moon I am moving towards Jacob. Darn that Edward.

Kathryn Costa said...

Your poem reading is fabulous! I love hearing your voice - it is so warm and inviting. The only romance in my life these days is found in books and movies. This will be a must see!

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging