Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Something's Coming

I was playing this song when I was walking outside. I got this feeling I needed to keep playing "Something's Coming" from West Side Story. So I played it four times in a row and singing to my heart's content. Luckily, the track was deserted. I'm no kind of singer.

I believe words have power. Songs are just brimming with it. So this is my Thanksgiving wish for all of you. I hope for everyone something good is coming for you.

Who knows?
It's only just out of reach,
Down the block, on a beach,
Under a tree.
I got a feeling there's a miracle due,
Gonna come true,
Coming to me!


tea time and roses said...

Hello Shell!

Thank you so much for the Thanksgiving wishes. You and your family have a beautiful Thanksgiving my friend! Enjoy!



Suzie Ridler said...

Oh I know that feeling! And I totally love old musicals! Something else we have in common. Can't wait to find out what's coming for you Shell. "Who knows...."

Sarah said...

Thanks for those good wishes! There's nothing better than walking along in the fresh air listening to your favourite music. It's like being in another world.
Good wishes to you too!

Beverly said...

Hey Shell!!! This has always been one of my favorite songs ~ so inspirational and uplifting! It's been so long since I heard it, thanks for reminding me of what a great song it is!!!

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

love this!

p.s. you are so cool!

Wordless Wednesday: From my Valentine