Tuesday, November 4, 2008

New Dawn

I went out to vote earlier today. It made me so happy to see all these people coming out to vote. Exercising their right as Americans to vote for a new President. I can feel the excitement and change in the air. I respect and admire Barack and Michelle for their courage and strength to forge a new trail where few have gone before. They stand now on the threshold of history. A new dawn is coming. I'm ready for it.


Kathryn Costa said...

History has been made! What a wonderful time to be witnessing. Hope has been restored in the land!

tea time and roses said...

Oh Shell, I feel so blessed to witness such a time as this! History has indeed been made...just wonderful! Simply Marvelous!!



Emily said...

life is good. change is in the air.
choosing joy - always the best choice!
Thank the Stars for our new Prez!
also -- thanks for stopping in at my art journal, and maybe even one day we could meet for coffee and some laughter in the city - I have been known to bring my journal to various places just to sit and write with all the great energy of NYC urging me along . . . .

darkfoam said...

me too ..
popped in from prism's site to say hello.

17th Blogversary

My sweet little blog is 17 years old today!! My mind is totally blown with this. I want to thank all of my subscribers past and present. I a...