Monday, November 10, 2008


While I'm still celebrating myself as an actress, sistah still has to pay bills. Do you ever go to the mail with a ache in your tummy knowing there are bills waiting for you? I do at times. Today is the last day of paying rent. I'll do it later on today. I am thankful that I have an place to call my own, clothes to wear and food in my frig. I say Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for all I do have. Being thankful does ease the money woes.

I love the tv show: Supernatural. This is from three episodes back. They did a clip of my Jensen Ackles (Dean) singing at the end of the show. You may have seen it. I need some Jensen and silliness to get through the day. Enjoy.


couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

dear lovely you:
after what i went in the begining of this year, i went broke and because i didn't stop to think about it, well, at least not too much and obsessive, i am proud to say that i am recovering economically and yes, i think it is because i like to give even if it is not money but something from my inside and then God blesses me and helps me with good health to keep working and doing my best.
You are doing good and you are in the way sweetie.

p.s. something should be reaching you soon ;-)

Unknown said...

Yes, Shell I do go through that tummy ache also. Right now we are facing some financial hurdles of our own and my husbands' company is talking about a 30% workforce layoff. Like you, we have so much to be thankful for and we do thank God every day. And you know what? We always get by one way or another. If we get a few extra dollars something breaks inevitably but we have those few extra dollars to cover it. I believe we are blessed. Sending good vibes your way,

Nydia said...

Oh I haven't seen this before! Have to show my hubby, we both love Supernatural (though I can't watch it alone, shame on pathetic me). Thanks for sharing it. Keep this great mood, Shell, from the little I know about you through your page, this is one of the things that keeps you going on the right path, when things are hard to deal with.

Kisses from Nydia.

17th Blogversary

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