Saturday, October 11, 2008


Yesterday, I went to meet my friend, The Lady R. for lunch. It was wonderful to see her. Lady R is full of creativity and ideas. We both inspired each other during our talk. Which is what good friends really do for each other. Then she graciously treated me to the movies after work!!

We saw Quarantine. Vampire movies I like. Horror movies with zombies just freak me out. This one certainly did. Then we hopped over ,joined with Lady R's husband, to watch Rocknrolla with my oh so dreamy Gerard Butler. I love the movie. Guy Ritchie, the director, all his gangster movies are full of fun and craziness. This one was no exception. I got home a bit after midnight. The feeling of relaxation and fun is still with me this morning.

On Sunday, I'm going to be at Castle Clinton in Battery Park for a Renaissance Faire Benefit for a new all woman's classical theater company. I'm one of the and I quote" fiery Gyspy fortune tellers." So if you are in the area, come on down and say hello to me. You can't miss me I will be the only sistah dressed in gyspy-like regalia. It should be a fun day.

Today, I'm going to do a few errands, relax and catch up with blog surfing. I hope you all are having a fun weekend so far.


Susie said...

Isn't it nice to spend the afternoon with someone who just gets you? Great:-)

Anonymous said...

Hi, I have published some spreads of my artdiary in my blog, check it out :D

Keith said...

Glad you had such a great time. My sis went to see Quarantine with some friends. I've been wanting to see the new Gerard Butler movie. I'm a big fan of his. Have a wonderful time at the Ren Faire. That sounds awesome. Will you be telling fortunes there? Have a great rest of your weekend.

Wordless Wednesday: From my Valentine