Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Jedi Training

Since July, I have been in what one of my friends call: Jedi Training. I love walking; I feel it's one of the best form of exercise. I did it religiously then stopped two years ago. Dancing around my room wasn't enough to keep in shape for me. Wide open spaces, blue sky above and fresh air is what I craved the most. So I picked up my my sweats, t-shirt and mp3 player to hit my local park to walk. My original goal is to release unwanted weight. Right about now I'm down to a size 16 again. My personal goal is to be a size 12. I want to be at a weight that I can maintain in a healthy manner.

The great benefits from my training have been not only those juicy endorphins making me glow. Walking in the morning through sunshine or rain, I feel connected to The Force. I like to think of The Force as God. You can think of it what ever it means to you. The insights and ideas that bubble up from walking have helped to make my life more creative and smooth.

Week by week, my body, mind and spirit are getting more defined. Jedi Training is a must. You never know when a Darth will come out of nowhere to challenge you. I like to be as Luke says "Ready for anything."


Don said...

Love the analogy of this blog post. Good deal on everything and you're right, a person never knows.

May the Force continue to be with you. (I had to add that).

Suzie Ridler said...

Me too! I totally love the analogy. I'm going to work with it. I feel the force most when I do yoga and guess what? A new yoga place has opened here, woot!

I wish you well on your Jedi journey to health and happiness my friend.

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

this is a wonderful vision ;-)
I mean, blog post, you actress you!!! PERFECTO! very well, the force, oh yes, what i wonderful way to stay in touch with the force, you beautiful mermaid any size you!

Shell said...

Don, glad you enjoyed my post. May The Force Be With You.
Suzie, then you need to be doing your Yoga. When we feel the Force, we are always doing good.
Lady MM, thanks for sharing the love for me in any size.

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

Oh my, what a wonderful post. I'm sort of in a Jedi training of my own, trying to drop the excess weight I picked up this past summer.

God is a true Force for success and piece in this tumultuous world. I'm so thankful for His Son, Jesus giving me the strength to go on in spite of...

Love you, sweetheart.

Thanks for dropping by my little neck of the woods.

17th Blogversary

My sweet little blog is 17 years old today!! My mind is totally blown with this. I want to thank all of my subscribers past and present. I a...