Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Richard

It is fitting with Ebony's list of the 25 coolest brothers, that one of the 25 is celebrating his birthday today. I'm talking about Richard Roundtree. The tall, handsome brotha that made me even as a little girl ooh and ahh all over the place. I still love him even now. We all know about him starring as Shaft. One of the few African American films of the 70's that actually was directed by an African American director, Gordon Parks.

After finishing the Shaft Trilogy, Richard has distinguished himself in various roles over the years. He has appeared in numerous movies and television shows including Roots. In the past three years, I have seen him all over in the place in Desperate Housewives, Heroes and most recently, Speed Racer.

Richard not only being a good actor, he is a courageous man. He was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1993 but successfully beat the disease. Richard has made it his mission to educate men of the dangers of breast cancer.

Richard Roundtree belongs to that exclusive class of African American actors who showed Hollywood that a brotha can be a successful, bankable leading man. I send love and kisses to you Richard. Happy Birthday and many more to come!


tea time and roses said...

Hey Shell!

Oh the smile of Richard Roundtree, a beautiful smile indeed! My sister married a Roundtree, and I often tease her insisting she just may have married into a great line of Roundtrees meaning Richard of course! Although no relations to him, one must admit the name has a nice ring to it!



doulanana said...

Hey Shell!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. From what I can see of you , you look fabulous but keep up the great stuff wiwth your walking. I wish I was motivated to do something.
Even the mother of a fitness trainer needs some serious help!

Shell said...

Hi ladies,

The name of Roundtree does have a lovely ring to it. Richard's smile is truly beautiful, Beverly.

And Doulanana thank you for saying that I look fab!! The truth is I'm seeing an old love of mine. He inspired me to get in shape but in a positive way.

Judy Hartman said...

Hi Shell,
Thank you for visiting my blog!! I'm sorry you didn't win my giveaway, but it's nice to "meet" you!
I didn't know about Richard Roundtree having breast cancer. It's great he's gone public about since most men aren't aware they could get it.
Take care...

Happy Birthday David

  "Having all that - the fame and adulation and the women and all that stuff they talk about - doesn't make you happy. You have to ...