Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Feeding My Soul

To be a creative person in whatever profession you choose, you constantly have to feed your soul. Creativity comes from the deepest part of us. If we neglect that, then what we create will come out weak and pale imitations of the greatness that is in us. Even worst, a dry thirsty soul leads us to more shadowy pursuits that draw us down a wrong road away from who we truly are.

This week so far, I fed my soul by going to the movies to see Meet The Browns starring Angela Bassett, watching Dangerous starring Bette Davis, reading Claiming Your Creative Self: Everyday Lives of Women by Eileen M. Clegg, reading The War of Art by Steven Pressfield, finding a new Shakespeare monologue to work on, listening to podcasts, listening to music, baking cookies and laying down on my bedroom floor watching the sky. As different as all of these things are they are feeding me and allowing me to keep flowing artistically.

If you haven't fed your soul lately, do so today. Don't wait. Get quiet and listen to what your soul needs. Even if it seems outrageous, go seek it out. Soon you'll find yourself feeling better and your creativity bubbling up. Just step back and see what wonderful and imaginative things come from you now.

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