Saturday, April 19, 2008

Be The Hero of Your Own Story

I treated myself to Nim's Island today. Yes, I was the only adult without a kid in the audience. No matter, I really enjoyed the movie. It was a sweet film that made me smile and laugh. Abigail, Jodie and, my sweetie pie, Gerard all shine. I especially love the animals in it: Fred the Lizard, Selkie the Sea Lion and Galileo the pelican. The message of the film is you can be a hero in your own life. Courage is always there waiting for us to use. It is true we are all so much more amazing than we give ourselves credit for.
Also,tomorrow is the Full Moon. So if you feel the urge to dance under the moonlight, be daring and kick up your heels, this is the weekend to do so. Have a wonderful weekend.

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Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging