Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I'm a tumble of energy as I write this. I've been wanting to do a blog for so long. I decided today to take the plunge. This blog is about my life as an actor. Will it be interesting? Hopefully! So I'm excited about seeing what will come on this new journey.


Creatively Blessed said...

Congratulations on starting your blog I statrted in the new year it's fun even though I don't get a chance to update as I would like.

Shell said...

Hi Sharon. Thanks so much for the congratulations and being the first person to leave a comment. It is fun doing a blog, I see I really have to make time to post which I'm trying to do more often.

Brown English Muffin said...

glad you started!!!

Shell said...

Thank you Brown English Muffin. I'm starting to enjoy doing this and it's so cool to get feedback.

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging