Friday, June 27, 2008

Travel Dreams

Since I was 17, I fell in love with the dream of going to Paris, France. Strolling down the boulevard while eating sumptuous chocolate pastry with a fine Parisian man by side. I am renewing my dream. For my next birthday, I want to be in Paris. So it's my mantra for myself Paris in 2009. I believe there is always a way to get where you want to go. Sometimes the path appears or you blaze your own path!

My other travel dream came to me when I turned 25 or 26: Tahiti. Something about being in the South Pacific is romantic and exotic to me. I always ask people do you know anyone who has ever been to Tahiti? It's rare for people to know anyone who does. To be able to walk on the white sands and float in the crystal blue waters. To be in another culture full of people of color who have life and vibrancy sounds heavenly to me.

These are my two big Travel Dreams that I plan to make into reality. There is one thing about me, I feel no dream is too big. I have been watching Oprah for the past two weeks about The Law of Attraction. I'm inspired to do a visioning board for my Travel Dreams.

So I do Paris for 2009 and Tahiti in 2010.I wish for all of you a weekend remembering or discovering your own Travel Dreams.


Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

Thanks so much for dropping by, my girl. I too have a travel dream for November 2008. For my 50th, I want to go to London, England. I truly believe it would be the ultimate fuel to the fire of my fashion sense.

Viva La Travel Dreams!

Shell said...

You have to make that your trip for London this year!! Especially for the 50th year. One of my best friends she went to London and Paris. She loved London a lot more than Paris. Live your Travel Dream!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I stumbled upon your blog! Amazingly enough Paris has always been my travel dream too...well that and finding my true love!!! And incredibly enough I meet the most wonderful, loving man of my dreams....a Frenchman, from PARIS!!! You just hold on to that dream....dreams do come true! And I am living the most amazing story to prove it! Here's to dreams, and more love and peace than your heart can hold:)

Shell said...

Thank you my friend for sharing your wonderful story about you and Paris!! I love when dreams come true!! I'm glad you stopped by and hope you will come back again. Much love to you and your French honey.

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging