Saturday, May 4, 2024

May the 4th Be With You

 Today took a very exciting turn for me today. I did my May the 4th Be With You post for the day on my main page and in my stories. Here is the post on my stories. I had another idea for what to do today and wasn't too sure about the pictures. I put it up anyway.

I also @ Mark Hamill. Guess what? He saw it!!! And Mark hearted it too. I was vibrating in happiness for over ten minutes! I adore Mark Hamill and of course, Luke so. That was a wonderful gift for me today. And a reminder to honor your word to yourself even if you feel unsure.

Then I ended the evening with watching Tales of the Empire that dropped today. I enjoyed it especially Barriss Offee's story. I also have to mention I said goodbye to Omega and The Boys on The Bad Batch on Wednesday.  On June 4th, The Acolyte is coming out on Disney + which I'm looking forward to. So there is really a lot of great Star Wars content out. I feel there is something for everyone to enjoy.

I'll be back on May 25th for another special Star Wars post in honor of the 47th anniversary of A New Hope. Now, say it with me: The Force will be with you always. 


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