Sunday, October 8, 2023

Vibing with The Universe

Happy Sunday, my friends. Since the Sun represents success and happiness, this is a good day to remind you about my Vibing with the Universe course. I train you one-on-one for 90 minutes to unlock your intuition to live a more authentic and happier life. I have expanded the course into Three- and Six-month-long commitment programs. I tailor the class to you and your unique personality/interests. I use my over 24 years of experience doing professional readings to teach you everything I know to use your intuition correctly. I help you pick a tarot or oracle deck of your choice to work with during the course. You learn how your intuition speaks to you, how to read the cards, interpret signs, connect with your divine team (angels, guides, and ancestors), and much more. I also include check-ins with me as needed throughout the week.

There are payment plans available. If you are interested or want more information, go to or email me at Here is me talking about Vibing with the Universe.


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