Monday, September 25, 2023

Happy Birthday to Mark and Chris


Happy Birthday to my two favorites born on the same day of September 25th. Mark Hamill is 72 today; and Christopher Reeve would have been 71 today.

I know I have said this before but Mark and Christopher have been an integral part of my childhood and life over all. 

Today, I watched The Machine with Mark co-starring with Bert Kreishner, as his father, it was endearingly funny. Mark is going to be part of the ensemble cast of the Netflix series is The Fall of the House of Usher which comes out on October 12th. Though Christopher passed away in 2004, he left a legacy of movies that you can watch in him. I recently watched Christopher in the Bostonians from 1984. Chris doing a southern accent was a hoot to watch!

Thank you Mark and Chris for everything.

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