Monday, August 6, 2018

Manifest Monday: Self Hypnotize

Happy Monday. I do my best to keep upbeat and positive.
It can at times be challenging. One of the best new tips
I got is from a author/you tuber named Jake Ducey. He talks
about self hypnotizing yourself.

It's like to me using your affirmations but put it on
blast. Honestly we do it all the time. Usually, it's negative.
Like those negative tapes that runs in our head.
ie: I never get those lucky breaks, this always happens to
me, I'm too old, broke, fat, etc. You get the idea.


You pick a few affirmations. Make these part of your new
thoughts to counter the old.

Here are my favorite sayings I tell myself to keep positive:

Good things are coming my way today.

I will find a way or the way will find me.

Do one thing at a time, Shell.

I deserve the best and I expect the best now.

These sayings help me when negative thoughts come up. They
now automatically come up now unbidden. You can use prayers,
literary or movie quotes too. So my friends, self hypnotize
yourself with life affirming words, thoughts and visualizations.
This will lead to a better and much happier life for yourself.


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