Friday, July 27, 2018

Full Moon Friday

Happy Full Moon, my friends. I like to say hello to all
my new subscribers. Swan of Dreamers is a lot like me.
Full of sunshine, spirituality and occasionally sass
from time to time.😀

Tonight is a Full Moon is my sun sign: Aquarius. It's
also a lunar eclipse and Mercury Retrograde. There is
a lot of intense energy in the air.

Freedom is the one word that I always equate with being
an Aquarius. Personal freedom to me leads to personal power.
Think of the old question: What would you do if you you weren't
afraid to fail? I ask what would you do if you felt free?

Gently challenge yourself to feel free in your own life.
Make your own happiness more important than others. Do
the things that set your soul to soar.

Wishing you a wonderful and freeing Full Moon.


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