Saturday, March 31, 2018

Blue Moon

Happy Full Moon, my friends. It is the second full
moon in March. Blue Moons are supposed to be special since
they happen maybe every two years. Whatever you do,
make it fun and a little more exciting than usual.

What am I doing? I loathe the term :I am moving out of
my comfort zone. I truly am. I will be spending part of
the day involved in a reading of a screenplay I co-wrote
with my friend, Neo. Yes, the muse has called me to expand
my creative journey. I am still an actor. The lead role I
wrote for myself! Then I will spend the rest of my Full
Moon evening watching movies and planning my next creative move.

As always, do whatever you feel moved to do under the
Full Moon. Yes, I love to hear what creative adventures
you are doing as well. Let me know in the comments.

Happy Full Moon and Easter.


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Happy Birthday David

  "Having all that - the fame and adulation and the women and all that stuff they talk about - doesn't make you happy. You have to ...