Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Swan of Dreamers is ten!

I remember writing my first blog post and
being nervous. Once I did it, I said I'll try
this blogging stuff. This is what I wrote
celebrating my first year and it still remains
true today. Ten years lata here I am. Thank
you to all my new followers.
Big hugs to my long time followers who
come to see what I am up to.
I especially love the comments from people
who use your reader my blog then come back
to see I am still here.

It is a busy day for me here. I had to honor ten
years with a tea party.

Yes, my old friend Miss Claudie stopped by...

And my new friend Ted.

I got a delicious chocolate cake with pretty
tea cups.

We listened to music and I made a wish.

Miss Claudie was a little sloppy.

I enjoyed my cake so much.

Soon the party had to wind down..

Miss Claudie and Ted both had fun.

So did I. Thank you for celebrating my ten
year blogversary with me.


1 comment:

Judy Hartman said...

This is the cutest, Michelle! Love your tea party!!
Congratulations on your blog anniversary!
I think we connected many years ago on our blogs,
and I'm happy that you're still blogging.
Very best wishes!!
Judy xo

Happy Birthday David

  "Having all that - the fame and adulation and the women and all that stuff they talk about - doesn't make you happy. You have to ...