Friday, January 8, 2016

New Year's Revolutions

Hello my friends, Happy Friday. Happy How has your first full week of the year been treating you? Good I hope. It has been so far, very interesting 2016 for me. That is a good thing.

Have you done your New Year's Resolutions? I heard someone say by accident New Year's Revolutions. I thought that is a good word. I like that. What New Year's Revolutions are you creating in your life? My main goal this year is to release more weight. I started this new get fit regime in mid November. I walk and do sprints. It's great to be outside in my local park even when it's cold. Gives me a great natural high. I'll keep you all posted on how I'm doing.

Did you pick a word for the year? Or words for the year? One of my favorite things I read was do pick a song for your theme of the year. I like that one too. 2015 my word was Wild. At first, it was real quiet. Nothing much happened. Then by Summer, that wild theme came out big time. All kind of unexpected twists and turns came into my life. I found it at times confusing yet most of the time thrilling. This year my word is Bloom. The word popped into my head one day. Intuitively it felt right, so here we are in the year of Bloom for me. One of my favorite definitions of Bloom is a time of great artistry and beauty. I am looking forward to my life to Bloom beautifully in whatever shape or form that fits me the best.

Tomorrow is the first New Moon of the year. If you dislike New Year's Resolutions or just haven't felt like the new year started off right for you, tomorrow is a great day to begin again anew. Write down what amazing things you like to manifest in 2016. They can be as small or big as you like them to be. Seriously, remember you can always restart your life anytime you want. My favorite times are New Moons, First of the Month, Thursdays, Your Birthday, First day of a new season.

Thank you to all my long time readers who still come here and leave comments. To all the new people who found me, welcome aboard. I'm wishing you all an amazing 2016! May it be a year full of Love and good Dreams coming true.

I like to share one of my favorite videos. I may have posted it before. Watch and remember you are Awesome!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First off, Shell, thank you for a fantastic post.

I can honestly say that the first full week of January, 2016, has been wonderful. I have already given myself several Birthday gifts, and my Birthday yesterday, Friday, January 8, 2016, was one of my best, yet!

I have never cared for "New Year Resolutions." I always noticed that it begins with "re," the prefix meaning "again." More often than not, the people that make New Year Resolutions to not do something, wind up doing it "again."

I have always loved making "New Year Dissolutions," which one could equate with Catherine Ponder's writings on "Denials," or one's "No" Power. For example, "In 2016, I dissolve my attachment to all hardships." "In 2016, I dissolve my need for Well-Being issues."

Incidentally, given your love of Thursdays, you may be interested to learn I was born on a Thursday.

Finally, I love the idea of New Year Revolutions, and I especially love your "Word of the Year." It Re-Minded me of one of my favorite quotes, attributed to Anais Nin: "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was greater than the risk it took to blossom."

Blossom is another word for bloom,and it is no coincidence that the word "bloom" can be found within the word "blossom." Just take out the letters "s."

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