Monday, September 21, 2015

Keep Dreaming

I have might of shared this story with you all before. I came up with my blog name in part because Swan was my last name at the time. Now it's my maiden name and my last name I use still for acting. The dreamers part came from that I'm a big dreamer. Always have been. I know I get that dreamy side from my mom. She loves to think up new dreams and make them happen. My mom is a big inspiration for me in doing that.

I was always the kind of kid who could finish a conversation with you then effortlessly slip into a daydream. ( Confession: I still do this now!) I love daydreams. They give me inspiration and guidance what to focus on next. Dreams: day or night are like inner angels whispering to do this or do that. I may dream of things that may take days to weeks to even years to manifest. Eventually they do.

When you drift of to your favorite dream, tune in and wonder. And reflect on this...

What are your favorite dreams and fantasies?
What are the common themes in your dreams?
Are there parts of your dream that can you bring into this reality?

Keep dreaming, my friends. Your dreams are waiting for you to bring them to our world.


1 comment:

Suzie Ridler said...

I love that dreaminess about you Shell! I daydream about being healthy enough to travel and see the world.

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging