Friday, July 31, 2015

Aquarius Moon

Happy Blue Moon Friday! Anytime there are two full Moons in a month, the second Full Moon is called a Blue Moon. Blue Moons aren't as rare as we are led to believe. They happen every 18 months.

This Full Moon is special to me. It is the Full Moon in Aquarius. Special and amazing events happen to me during this Full Moon. For all my Moon and sun sign Aquarius babies, this is our lucky Moon.

Then, as the broad moon rose on high,
The maidens stood the altar nigh;
And some in graceful measure
The well-loved spot danced round,
With lightsome footsteps treading
The soft and grassy ground

The energy of the Full Moon is for everyone to use. A Blue Moon is extra luminous, dazzling and beautiful. Aquarian energy is about freedom. Personal Freedom. Freedom for all of Humanity.

Think where in your life you feel most free? Where you feel more alive and yourself? Whatever you do, think or to feel like that, bring it to parts of your life where you feel stilfed, bored or burdened.Do one small action towards your personal freedom.

Which could look like saying no, saying yes, more exercise, cooking great food, less internet, reading more, telling people off, setting your boundaries, loosening up around people, dropping unwanted activities.

Be Free to be you!

Also before I forget, this is a great time to make wishes. This time spend your wishes on yourself. Wish big and happy.

As always, I wish all of you a freedom filled Full Moon weekend.

P.S. I have an intuition love letter I send out at least twice a month. If you are interested, click here to sign up.



Sarah said...

Happy Blue Moon Friday to you too! x

Victoria said...

This was so beautiful and inspiring Shell. My birthday fell on this full moon this year, so I was excited about it! your words have added insights and magic for me ! Many thanks for this gorgeous post..wise and enchanting as always!

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