Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Rock Star Moon

Happy Full Moon, my friends. It's that time once again when the cosmic energies glow brightest. For all my sun and moon sign Leos, this is your special Moon. Yes, so bask in La Luna's light. The Moon also shines down for the rest of us, as well.

Leo radiates with power, leadership and success. It also had a special quality that I love the best, Leo energy governs entertainment as well. All my fellow performers in whatever medium is your stage this a special moon for us to. Do you sing, act, paint, write, dance, craft? How about tonight writing down a wild big dream you like to accomplish with your career. It can be as a big or unrealistic as people tell you. See how I said how unrealistic as people tell you. Sometimes the dreams people tell you that can't manifest is the ones you do!!

Tonight, write down the big wild dream. If you can write it down in gold or yellow font or pen that is great. Sprinkle cinammon or nutmeg on it for luck. Then post that big wild dream somewhere you can see it to encourage you in the months ahead. Now, if big and wild is too much. How about this, let the Leo moonlight shine down on something you use for your creativity. For me it can be my Headshot, my acting union card or a monologue I use for auditions. If you write, a pen. If you paint, your paintbrush. If you sing, a favorite song written out you love to sing. If you dance, your dance shoe. You get the idea. Let all the Leo Rock star energy pour down on your object. Whenever you use your object it will still vibrate with that delicious energy. Reminding you of how creative you are;also, you have been called to be creative for a reason.

Need more ideas how to celebrate this Full Moon energy go here.

Wishing you all a wonderful Full Moon.


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