Friday, December 12, 2014

12 for 12

Happy Friday, my friends.  Did you know Friday is linked to water energy? This beautiful Mermaid swims in to remind of this special date of 12/12.

Here are 12 ways to have fun on this special date:

1) Go out for a walk with no destination and get sunshine on your face.

2) Say no to any ridiculous and boring request on your time.

3) Wear something frivolous and pretty just because you want to.

4) Say yes to anything fun and madcap today.

5) Visualize yourself in a beautiful outfit for five minutes.

6) Order take out or have someone cook for you.

7) Stay in bed all day!

8) Delegate an unpleasant task to someone else for once. You don't have to do everything yourself.

9) Take a nice long bath or shower.

10) Make plans to see your favorite friend or relative in January.

11) Crank up the music and dance.

12) Repeat any of these ideas when needed. Preferably weekly.

Have a wonderful Friday and weekend!


1 comment:

Jennifer Michelle said...

Learning to say no without guilt! It's a tough thing!

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